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You give it more time to dry, then give it even more time to dry. If it's inside, turn on the A/C if possible to allow the humidity to be removed. Chances are, the paint was either applied too thick or subsequent coats were applied to soon and it isn't able to off-gas as fast as it should.

If it's in a bathroom, minimize the amount of time that hot water is being used, maybe open a window to allow the humidity to escape, then close it once the shower is over and allow the A/C to remove the rest of the humidity.

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Q: How do you fix paint that is tacky to the touch?
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It sounds like the paint didn't dry--perhaps run a fan in the room to make sure that there is enough ventilation. Is it a dark color? The paint may have more colorant in it than it was designed for. If that is the case, go back to the paint store and whoop the manager's a$$.

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Sacky, tacky, packy.

Where can I buy touch up paint?

You can buy touch up paint at the dealership of which your vehicle was purchased or at most auto retail shops. You may also be able to find touch up paint online for a cheaper price.