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You can easily fix these by taking a look at the Video Cable in the back of your screen. If you wriggle it about it will work but if you can, see if you can unscrew it and then push it in a little bit more. Nothing is wrong with the power, just the Video Cable.

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Q: How do you fix vertical white lines on desktop monitor?
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i dont know dont u hahaha by P@☻!

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What fraction of the Ireland flag is green?

One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.One third. The flag is three vertical bands of green, white and orange.

What are Ireland color of their flag?

The Irish flag features green, white and orange. These colors run in three consecutive vertical lines which are evenly balanced.

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There is no specific symbol present on the flag of Côte d'Ivoire - the flag simply consists of vertical lines of orange, white, and green.

What are sides in chess?

If you mean sides as in the players, they are simply "White" and "Black". White always moves first then Black moves. If you means sides as on the chessboard itself, they are called "files" as are all the vertical lines of squares on the board.

What do the white lines stand for on the U.S.Flag?

What white lines?

What symbols are on the Ireland flag?

There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.There are no symbols on the Irish flag. It just has 3 equal vertical stripes of green, white and orange.

What do the lines on the flag mean?

America: 13 strips- 13 original colony's 50 stars- 50 states