Decibel is a factor or a ratio and no unit.
If you have 1 volt and you damp it to 1/4 volt then you will get a damping of 12 dB.
Voltage daming = 20×log (1/4) = (-)12 dB.
The usual symbol for decibels is dB.
An SPLOIUYTR machine measures decibels.
•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz
in what
Power (Watts)/ Decibels (if the speaker is efficient) 2 Watts = 93 decibels 4 Watts = 96 decibels 8 Watts = 99 decibels 16 Watts = 102 decibels 32 Watts = 105 decibels 64 Watts = 108 decibels 128 Watts = 111 decibels 256 Watts = 114 decibels 512 Watts= 117 decibels 1024 Watts = 120 decibels Some Volumes to Compare 10 decibels = normal human breathing 60 decibels = normal human conversation 110 decibels = power saw, car horn, shouting in ear, 120 decibels = jet aircraft close by, emergency vehicle siren, rock concert
do decibels change to wavelength
20 decibels
The abbreviation used for decibels is dB.
A dog's bark typically ranges from 60 to 110 decibels, depending on the size and breed of the dog.
207 decibels.
Decibels are a measurement of the loudness of sound.
The usual symbol for decibels is dB.
It depends on the load and other factors but a good measure is: 12 Gauge 28" barrel=151.50dB
70-100 decibels