52 Weeks equals 364 days, which is more than 360. Yes.
104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.104 weeks and 2 days.
It is: 360/2 = 180
360 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 5
About 3 weeks
2 weeks and 1 day.
You should get a dark ceasar with a #2 guard
360 degrees or 2(pi) radians
on X box 360 it comes out in 2 weeks.
within the next 2 weeks
A moisturizer alone may not be sufficient to achieve 360 waves. To get waves, you typically need to brush your hair regularly, maintain a consistent brushing routine, and use a combination of natural oils and pomades to help lay down your hair and define the waves. Moisturizing your hair is important but may not be the sole factor in achieving 360 waves.
52 Weeks equals 364 days, which is more than 360. Yes.
Waves generally take 1 months depending on how straight your hair is.