The best way is just simply to study. Use process of elimination on multi choice questions. Don't double guess yourself. Some get an answer worng trying to prove themselves wrong.
To get a 100 percent on an AR test, you need to thoroughly read and comprehend the book being tested. Take notes while reading, paying attention to important details and plot points. After finishing the book, review your notes and be sure to answer each question carefully, using specific examples from the text to support your answers.
[(100x60) + (Tx40)]/100=Average, where T is you average on the other 40% of your grade. Example: your grade average is 90 before the test. You get a 100 on the big test. [(100x60) + 90x40)]/100 = [6000 + 3600]/100 = 96
What score did you get on the math test - a 100 percent or lower?
is a 75 out of a 100 a high C
-- Since she answered 86 percent of the questions correctly, she answered the remaining 14 percent of them incorrectly. -- 14% of 100 questions is 14 questions.
Lone Wolf is worth 7 AR points if you score 100 percent on the test.
[(100x60) + (Tx40)]/100=Average, where T is you average on the other 40% of your grade. Example: your grade average is 90 before the test. You get a 100 on the big test. [(100x60) + 90x40)]/100 = [6000 + 3600]/100 = 96
there is not one
I got 100 percent on my test!!
You study very hard or overnight and you can get a 100% on the test next day!
your average is currently 80 now if you get a 100 on the next test it will become a 90
Whether you say 100 percent have or 100 percent has depends entirely on the context of the statement. Examples are: (1) Of the people attending the meeting, 100 percent have complained about high taxes. (2) Getting a test score of 100 percent has a lot to do with your success in being hired.
What score did you get on the math test - a 100 percent or lower?
the maximum marks alloted for the test.