You be friendly to him. NOT flirty, just genuine, smiling friendly. If he decides he likes you too, hooray. If he doesn't, it wasn't meant ot be, and you move on.
yes and xy makes a boy
you just tell him, but down play it , or get your best friend to ask the boy if he likes you, if he says yes, than you already know he likes you so saying it to him wont be a problem, that's what i did an i have had mt boyfriend for five years.
If the boy's chronological age and mental age are equal, his IQ would be assumed to be 100. (Using chronological age x IQ/100 as the template).
no.the chance to get a boy or a girl baby are 50%. The gender it is decided by speratozoa and it is casual.If spermatozoa it have x chromosome baby will be female, in case of Y chromosome spermatozoa baby will be a boy. the only things that you can do it is to pay certain labs that will select spermtozoa by chromosome X or this case you can decide the sex of the child before you get pregnant.
Taylor launther
Because he probably wanted his friend to tell you that because he was to shy to do it.'(x That's what I think because this boy that liked me' had his friend tell me'(;
Josssssshhhhhhhiiieee [: I lovee youuuu Babee 4EVA x
The X's - 2005 Photo Ops Boy's Best Friend 1-3 was released on: USA: 25 November 2005
boy friend boy friend boy friend
when you and your boy friend had s*x
A boy's name that begins with an X, can be Xavier. I have a friend called Xavier.
never date your friends x's or current bf's. get over him, if you don't your not a loyal friend.
no she doesnt she is at the end of her teenage years. but she will probs have one soonn x
i would tell her on text, then you just pretend you are saying it to no one x
yes Bella thorne has a boy friend
she doesnt have a boy friend