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You can't. Not in this universe, anyway. The problem in reverse has challenged cartographers for centuries. How do you map a global earth onto a flat surface? There are many different "projections" that represent various compromises and characteristics, but no two-dimensional representation can completely capture the unique nature of a globe.

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Q: How do you get a flat image onto a curved surface without distortion?
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How can you use the word distortion in a sentence?

(A distortion is an alteration, faulty image, or inaccurate representation.)"Distortion of facts is an example of unethical journalism.""A distortion in the radio signal made the messages unintelligible.""A curved mirror will often produce a humorous distortion in your reflection."

Why your images appear thin or bulged out in some mirrors?

When light reflects off a curved mirror, it can cause the image to appear distorted. A concave mirror can make the image appear thinner, while a convex mirror can make it appear bulged out. This distortion occurs due to how the curved surface bends the light rays, impacting the way the reflected image is formed.

Why does our image appear thin and bulged out in some mirrors?

The distortion of your image in certain mirrors is due to the way the mirror is curved or shaped. Concave mirrors can make objects look thinner and elongated, while convex mirrors can make objects look thicker and bulged out. This distortion is caused by the way light rays reflect off the mirror's surface.

Why don't you see your reflects image when you look at a Rough white surface?

Severe distortion.

Why do you see a clearer image of yourself in a mirror then a piece of aluminum foil?

A mirror has a smooth glass surface that reflects light without distortion, resulting in a clear image. Aluminum foil has a rough surface that scatters light, leading to a distorted or less clear reflection.

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The smoother the reflecting surface the less the micro-distortion of the reflected image.

Why does your face look different in a spoon?

When you see your reflection in a spoon, the curved surface can distort the image, making your face appear stretched or compressed. This is due to the way light rays reflect off the curved surface of the spoon, resulting in a distorted image.

What is a map projection?

It is a projection of a map.AdditionallyA map projection is used to represent all or part of the round Earth onto a flat surface which always creates some form of distortion. Mapmakers and mathematicians have devised countless ways to project the image of the globe onto paper.

Why is an aerial photograph called an orthophoto map?

An orthophoto map is called as such because it combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map. It is rectified to remove distortion caused by terrain relief, making it a true representation of the Earth's surface without any perspective or scale distortion.

What happens to an image on a globe when it's transferred?

When an image is transferred from a flat map to a globe, it may experience distortion in terms of size, shape, or direction. This distortion is due to the challenge of accurately representing a 3D sphere on a 2D surface. Different map projections aim to minimize distortion in certain areas, but there will always be some level of distortion when translating between these two forms.

Why are map projects distorted?

Cause a map is flat, and the Earth is curved. Can't force a curved image onto a flat surface w/o losing something.

What happens to the size of the image and intensity of the image if some part of the lens surface is covered?

If some part of the lens surface is covered, the size of the image may be affected, potentially causing distortion or blurring. The intensity of the image may also be reduced due to obstruction of light reaching the lens.