To get a fraction of another fraction you have to multiply the fractions. To multiply fractions, just use this simple algorithm:
Step 1-Turn all whole numbers and mixed numbers into improper fractions.
Step 2-Multiply the numerators of the 2 fractions. The answer to that problem will be the numerator of the answer.
Step 3-Multiply the denominators of the 2 fractions. The answer to that problem will be the denominator of the answer.
Step 4-Reduce.
184 is an integer, not a fraction.
Another fraction could be 3.5/4.
It is a vulgar or 'top heavy' fraction
compare with random fraction to a benchmark fraction. to tell if a fraction is less or greater than another fraction.
It is another fraction, as well as its negative value.
28/2 is another fraction.
Another fraction.
15 is an integer, not a fraction. So there is not another fraction.
184 is an integer, not a fraction.
Another fraction could be 3.5/4.
When you want to add it to another fraction.
It is a vulgar or 'top heavy' fraction
compare with random fraction to a benchmark fraction. to tell if a fraction is less or greater than another fraction.
ther is no simplest fraction of 11/30!
Another name for an improper fraction (bigger on top).
It is another fraction, as well as its negative value.