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As long as the negative integer is greater than the positive integer, a negative integer will result from addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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Q: How do you get a negative integer with a positive integer and a negative integer?
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Is the product of a negative and positive integer a negative?

Yes. The product of a negative integer and a positive integer is a negative integer.

When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer positive?

When the positive integer is greater than the negative integer.

When does a positive integer and a negative integer equal a positive integer?

When they are added together and the absolute value of the positive integer is bigger than the absolute value of the negative integer or when the negative integer is subtracted from the positive integer.

When you are subtracting a positive integer from a negative integer Will the difference be positive or negative?


When is the sum of a positive and negative integer negative?

When the absolute value of the positive integer is smaller than the absolute value of the negative one.

Is the difference of a positive integer and negative integer always a positive?

No, a positive minus a negative can be either or positive or a negative.

Is a negative integer times a negative integer equal to a positive integer?

Yes, and also a negative integer divided by a negative integer is equal to a positive number (but not necessarily an integer).

What is the sum of a negative integer from a positive integer?

subtract the negative from the positive

Is the sum of a positive and negative integer always negative?

No. The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer has the same sign as the larger integer.

Are decimals positive integers or negative integers?

A decimal can be a positive integer or a negative integer or neither of the above. For example: 26.0 is a positive integer. -52.0 is a negative integer. 26.2 is not an integer at all. 0.0 is an integer, but is neither positive nor negative.

When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer positvie?

The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer is positive when the positive integer is greater. For example: 9 + (-5) = 4 In this case, the positive integer 9 is greater than the negative integer 5. Therefore, the sum is positive.

Is it true that the sum of a negative integer and a positive integer is always positive?

It depends, if a number with positive integers is greater than the number with the negative integer therefore the sum will be in positive integer. And if the number with positive integer is less than the number with the number with negative integer then the sum will be in negative integer.