You have to do really well on the other bonus games and very slowly it unlocks them. Believe me, I've unlocked a whole lot.
you have to do all kinds of games like bonus games i recommend 3 moves to zero though
Go to bonus game 3 and play all the games in bonus game 3
play all the games 50 times but if you do that you get more points it works i tried that
you play the games that have the questions and then play them until you finish all of them including the second round
you have to do all kinds of games like bonus games i recommend 3 moves to zero though
try your best
Go to bonus game 3 and play all the games in bonus game 3
just play a lot that's all i can say
play all the games 50 times but if you do that you get more points it works i tried that
Ok...First Of All Bonus Gifts Are a gift you get for free..First pick a gift(Must have bonus gifts)Then find a Friend then just click Send.
Cool Math Games, Math Playground, Primary Games, and Cool Math 4 Kids are all great online resources available with free learning and math games available.
you play the games that have the questions and then play them until you finish all of them including the second round
First of all Its "What is unkown math" and it is math that isunknown DDUUHH!!
There are many math related board games depending on the type of math that is desired. Monopoly, Uno, Stratego, and Yahtzee all use math skills.
Play the mini-games.
the only way s hard work doing all the games