While holding down the alt key you type in 139. When you release the alt key an i with two dots should appear! :)
(alt+ u) release (a)
in German they are called umlauts
It is two dots one on top one on bottom and a line in the middle From:Maddie
In pharmacy, a "T" with a dot over it denotes "one tablet." Two "Ts"l with 2 dots on top represent 2 tablets.
The two dots above a letter, you mean, would be called a diaeresis and/or an umlaut.
It means i typed two dots
The symbol with two dots on the top and one dot below means "because".
I don't have dots on top of me.
(alt+ u) release (a)
in German they are called umlauts
H - Se (two dots on top and two dots on bottom) - H Se has two lone pairs (a total of four dots) and a Hydrogen is bonded to either side of it.
An "o" with two dots on top is called an "o umlaut" and is pronounced like a long "o" sound in English. It is similar to the vowel sound in the English word "bird."
It is two dots one on top one on bottom and a line in the middle From:Maddie
..der Fruhling (two dots on top of u)
This kind of accent is called an "umlaut".
Edith Frank-Hollander (The "a" in Hollander has the two dots on top of it) :DDD
Geseen enn. (Two dots on top of the e after the s in Gesseen.)