you have to be a member on jumpstart or mathblaster,they both require membership to get a pet.then you go to the larva den and choose i gess...
If you are a member you get a larva (if you don't have one already).Then take your larva to the morphing station and then collect things in the park to morph you mutt. It WILL take a full 24 hour day to morph, but after the morphing is done you have your mutt.
Termite larva are usually less than 1/10 of an inch long. They are white, pink or light brown in color. They also have very soft bodies, but otherwise look very similar to an adult worker.
If you are a member you get a larva (if you don't have one already).Then take your larva to the morphing station and then collect things in the park to morph you mutt. It WILL take a full 24 hour day to morph, but after the morphing is done you have your mutt.
Well, larva is like a baby bug, but there are different types of larva. Like beetle larva, fly larva, etc.
yes. a dragonfly larva is called a nymph
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Grub is another name for food
A caddice is another name for the caddis, the larva of a caddice fly.
"Larva" is pronounced 'LAR-vuh'. Two or more larva, that is the plural word of 'Larva' is "Larvae" This is where things get sticky . . . to be pronounced correctly in Latin, larvae is 'LAR-vye', but since most people do not understand the rules for Latin, they often pronounce it, "LAR-vay" or "LAR-vee".
Another name for the "Crane fly" is the "Daddy long legs"
The immature form of an animal such as a tadpole is called larva.
the larva is called the Planula
There is no specific term for an aphid larva. It is simply called an "aphid larva".