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Q: How do you get frequency in ungrouped data?
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What is an 'ungrouped frequency table'?

A frequency distribution of numerical data where the raw data is not grouped.

When is line diagram more appropriate than a frequency polygon?

For ungrouped data.

What is ungrouped data?

The ________________ of the ungrouped data is the value that most frequently appears in a set of data.

How do you solve ungrouped data?

You cannot "solve" ungrouped data since ungrouped data is not a question. You can calculate the mean or the variance, standard deviation or skewness, or a whole range of other measures for ungrouped data. But you have not specified what.

Which type of graph gives you the greatest value of the data set?

A box and whiskers plot, A frequency plot (ungrouped) A cumulative frequency plot (ungrouped), A grouped frequency of cu freq plot should give a number close to (and larger than) the greatest value.

Definition of ungrouped data?

Ungrouped data is data that is not grouped in a specific order. Grouped data is a set of data that has unique characteristics in common.

Is the mean of the grouped data is equal to the mean of ungrouped data?

Suppose you compare the mean of raw data and the mean of the same raw data grouped into a frequency distribution. These two means will be

What is definition of ungrouped data?

Single data

Mode of ungrouped data with example?

*Ungrouped Data*Mode of ungrouped data:An observation occurring most frequently in the data is called mode of the data. It is denoted by Z.For Example:Find the median of the following observations4,6,8,6,7,8,8Sol:In the given data, the observation 8 occurs maximumnumber of times (3)\ Mode (Z) = 8

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sht happens

what are the advantages of using a grouped data over an ungrouped data?

Nothing, they stealing yo data