Depends what's wrong with it !! is it under warranty? ... change the fuse, brushes, bearings, clean the 'muck' off the commutator, lubricate it. If it's top-brand service it .... if it's a "cheapy"...bin it and get another "cheapy" or good used one.
I just bought a 58b and found the magazine at numrich gun parts.
All the important parts should be identical. Most of the cost-cutting would have been on the wood and finish.
You can purchase it at Kroger.
The best place is you cant find anything on it
You can try contacting the manufacturer, Rival, directly to inquire about purchasing a replacement spring for your Grinder and Food Chopper model 2250. Alternatively, you can search for appliance repair shops or online retailers that specialize in replacement parts for kitchen appliances. Make sure to have the specific model number and part name ready when reaching out to ensure you get the correct replacement spring for your device.
Yes, I need information on this machine, such as where to get replacement parts.
How do you contact the rival company for parts ?
Try this website, they have replacement parts for alot of different machines.
You can't get parts for this grinder anywhere; there's no customer service or spare parts website. You can try emailing Orbit, but I've found that more often than not they don't respond.
This will vary depending on your brand of meat grinder. But you can check out this site:
Assuming this refers to replacement parts for Rival kitchenware products, such as food slicers, one can place an order for replacement parts from the online Rival store. Some of these parts are also available from online mega-retailers such as Amazon or eBay.
For the money you will spend buying the different parts needed to make an herb grinder, it would be wiser just to buy a cheap but durable herb grinder. You can find them online as low as $2.