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Q: How do you get specific frequency and time values for wav file and export the values as csv?
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What is the purpose of frange in dtft.m file in matlab?

Ans:The purpose of frange in DTFT.m is to set the range of frequency in order to observe spectra of the signal

What does preflighting artwork mean?

The term is used to describe a methodical process used to ensure that a digital file created by a client and sent to a printer or service bureau is set up correctly. There is professional software available that can be customized to pre flight files. In printing terminology 'artwork' is anything created for printing.Some of the steps in preflighting artwork are:• making sure that all images are 300 dpi or better• ensuring that all images are CMYK• ensuring that all typefaces (fonts) are sent to the printer with the project file, or• all typefaces are embedded in the project file, or• all type is converted to outlines (this makes it impossible to edit type later)• if any graphics extend to the edge of the printed page, projects must account for bleedIf you keep these things in mind when designing the project, you can basically preflight as you design. Nowadays, most layout programs (Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign) include preflight functionality. Also, since many printers now take high-resolution PDF files for projects, the PDF exporting process lumps much of this preflighting into its export engine... you just have to thoroughly examine the PDF export summary before the final export.

What is a check sum?

This is an alpha-numeric code which in generated based on the data which has been processed. Any specific Checksum code can only be generated from one specific file or program. The purpose of a checksum code is the allow you to make sure that a file has not been tampered with or corrupted. These codes are especially used for downloadable programs. A checksum code is sometimes provided, so when the used downloads the program, they can verify that it has not been infected or tampered with, but that they do have the original, unedited version.

What is a half round file?

This is a file, commonly a rasp, but it could be a mill file or a bastard file, that is rounded on one side and flat on the other side.

When was The Suicide File created?

The Suicide File was formed in 2000 in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Which command will restore a backup of the Registry from DOS?

Run the command:reg export Example: reg export hklm\software\myco\myapp appbackup.regThis command will export all sub key and values of key "myapp" to the file "appbackup.reg"

You can export to Excel but you cannot export data to a text file?

The answer is: False

How do you export in Adobe after effects CS4?

it should be in file->export->(whatever video format)

What does export mean on iTunes?

Export: means To Move out of I-Tunes to like a file on you desktop

How can you convert a gp5 file to mp3 file?

Just Export as MIDI file.. Then, convert MIDI file to Mp3 file.

How do you export telephone contacts from Gmail to blackberry?

You can extract contacts by exporting them. A CSV file is a database file that is formed. You could export that data in your Blackberry.

How do you copy Outlook Contacts for use on another PC?

You have to export the Outlook contacts for use. You can export to make a file and then import that file on other outlook.

How do you convert Outlook addresses to CSV file?

Data, export, file, csv

How do you edit and save a obj file using blender 3d editor?

I import an OBJ file go to file import wavefront (.obj) to export it is the same thing but export instead of import.

Is it true that you can export to Excel but you cannot export data to a text file?

The answer to this question would depend on the source you are exporting. You can export data from Excel to a text file in a variety of formats. Just Save As and select the format you prefer.

How do you print you lan fax phonebook contacts?

The specific instructions would depend on the systems you're running. Usually, the method would be to export the phonebook to some sort of file (possibly a CSV or text file) then format that file to a format that is more print-ready.

How do you export foxpro file to excel?

use the database execute the following command export to <new file> type xls the above command will convert your foxpro database into XL file. each filed in the database will be changed as column in xls file.