Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.
1. When adding, the decimals MUST line up: 012.3 +32.1 2. When multiplying, you dont have to put the decimals side by side: 12.3 x323.55 Then you count how many numbers are after the decimals, which, in this case, is three. Hope it helped!
There are an infinite number of them. Here are three: 2.150000000001 2.16 2.169999999992
what are three decimals with a product that is about 40
1 As whole numbers 2 As prime numbers 3 Arithmetical calculations without fractions or decimals
Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.
No three decimals are equal to all those numbers!
It is 5.50,5.75,5.25
The three numbers between 0.3 and0.4 are 0.31,0.32,0.33. But there are many more between those decimals.
4.000000000001, 4.2323232323... , 4.142859..
There are infinitely many numbers. Three examples are: 3.0000000000000012300045973 3.00000000000000123000459746009 4.999999999999999999999999
To calculate the average of two numbers, add them together, and divide the result by 2. (For the average of three numbers, you add up the three numbers, and divide by three, etc.) The average is (5000 + 7000)/2 = 6000
1. When adding, the decimals MUST line up: 012.3 +32.1 2. When multiplying, you dont have to put the decimals side by side: 12.3 x323.55 Then you count how many numbers are after the decimals, which, in this case, is three. Hope it helped!
There are an infinite number of them. Here are three: 2.150000000001 2.16 2.169999999992
4.1, 4.01 and 4.00000000000001 are three possible answers.
what are three decimals with a product that is about 40
125, 126 and 127.