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40 over 45 is 88%

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Q: How do you get the perentage if you had 45 questions and you got 5 wrong?
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60 questions - 15 missed?

If you're looking for your grade... You got 45 questions out of 60 correct. 45/60 = .75 or 75%

What percentage would you get if you missed 2 out of 45 questions?

Assuming that you answered 45 questions and got the other 43 right, that would be 96 percent.

50 questions got 45 right what is the percentage?

% rate = 90% = 45/50 * 100% = 0.9 * 100% = 90%

If you took a test and got 45 correct what percent did you get?

If there were n questions, then 100*45/n or 4500/n per cent.

What is the percentage if a test had 45 questions and you got 32 right?

just over 71% 32/45 x 100% = 71.111

45 correct out of 50 questions on a test what would be your score?

If you have 100 points and 50 questions, you take 100 points divided by 50 questions, so you can see how many points each question is, which would be 2 points per question. If you got 45 questions right, multiple 45 by 2 and you get 90%.

What is your grade if you get 17 wrong out of 62?

Your grade would be 72 if you got 45/62

If you got 88 percent on a quiz that had 45 questions how many did i get right?

Change the percent into a decimal. 88% is the same thing as 0.88 Take the number of questions and multiply by the decimal. 45 x .88 = 39.6 The mathematical answer would be "39.6", although it's unlikely that there's "0.6" of a question. You got 39 to 40 questions correct.

If 20 plus 25 equals 45 then how does 23 plus 22 equals 76?

It doesn't, it should equal 45 again. I am unsure how you got this second answer but it is wrong

What is your grade if you made 45 out of 60 points and the questions were 3 points each?

to find any grade ever no matter how many questions there are, as long as theyre all worth the same. Plug in the numbers: number of questions you got right divided by the number of questions on the exam and then multiple by 100. You got a 75

How many questions can you get wrong on a test that has 45 question and get 60 percent?

If you answered 27 correctly and 18 incorrectly, you would have answered 60% correctly.

What is your Grade for 45 out of 60 questions?

that's = to 75 % correct if you correctly answered 45 out of 60 questions