5. Count the number of digits from the first non-zero digit to the last non-zero digit.
It is 543210. Decimal number need not be fractional.
All numbers which are not "zero" are classed as significant digits. Therefore in the number 129 there will be three digits which are classed as significant.
Place a decimal point after the first digit and include in the basic number any number not zero, unless there is a number greater than zero following a zero. As in this case, the 2 follows a zero so we include it. Then multiply by 10. To determine "to what power" count the number of digits after the decimal point. In this case there are 2 digits after the decimal (0 and 2). The correct notation is 7.02 x 102 g
two digits - three and zero
If there are no non-zero digits, the value is zero.
5. Count the number of digits from the first non-zero digit to the last non-zero digit.
It is 543210. Decimal number need not be fractional.
Because this number does not have a decimal point, to count significant digits, we start at the right and start counting from the first non zero number. The first non zero number is 6 and this number has 4 significant digits.
zero is used in the number system as a digit and a add on to other digits
All numbers which are not "zero" are classed as significant digits. Therefore in the number 129 there will be three digits which are classed as significant.
The number of significant digits is the length of the numerical string from the first to the last non-zero digits in a number.The number if significant digits in 9807600, or 0.0012021 is 5.
A number that has non-zero digits after the decimal point is NOT a whole number.
Place a decimal point after the first digit and include in the basic number any number not zero, unless there is a number greater than zero following a zero. As in this case, the 2 follows a zero so we include it. Then multiply by 10. To determine "to what power" count the number of digits after the decimal point. In this case there are 2 digits after the decimal (0 and 2). The correct notation is 7.02 x 102 g
Zero (0).