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Q: How do you go from 1 age to another in a shorter time like go from 9 to 10 in a month?
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What month has the darkest night?

The month with the darkest night is usually in December, specifically around the time of the winter solstice. During this time, the nights are longer, and the days are shorter, resulting in darker nights.

Can you become pregnant exactly a month after sex or is it a shorter length of time?

Sperms can live up to 5 days inside a womans body so a month is way too long.

What is the difference between a day a month and a year in terms of astronomy?

In astronomy, a day is the time it takes for a planet to rotate once on its axis. A month is the time it takes for the moon to orbit around a planet. A year is the time it takes for a planet to orbit around its star.

What place do most Earthquakes occur?

places where 2 or more plates meet & another shorter earthquake can come there after a shorter period of time. so be outside of ur houses.. :)

Why would another planet have a shorter day than earth?

It's to do with the length of time a planet takes to spin, a planet that spins on its axis faster than the earth will have a shorter apparent day.

If you want another baby what time of the month do you get the IUD out?

There's no special time to remove the IUD if you want to get pregnant

How many time can a person withdraw from an ATM of another bank in a month?

any amount, i tried it

Work provides health insurance but was not offered insurance to me and after 18 month was told to find another job?

Sounds like it is time to look for a new job. This time make health insurance a negotiated part of your wages.

What are the plans and rates available on

Netflix unlimited plan means that you can have a certain amount of dvds out at a time at a certain rate per month. For instance, you can have 1 dvd out at a time for $9.99 a month, but you can return that dvd and they will send you another over and over for that month at that fee. Another example would be the limited plan, for $4.99 you can get 1 dvd, but you can only get 2 movies that month.

What is the lunar month during pregnancy?

A lunar month is approximately 29.5 days long, and a pregnancy typically lasts around 9 lunar months, equivalent to about 10 months on the Gregorian calendar. This is because a lunar month is shorter than a calendar month, so the total time of pregnancy is longer when calculated in lunar months.

Who was looking for the shorter route to Indies for Spain?

To reduce the cost of trade, and shorten the time to move goods from one place to another.