look at them. up and down. guess there age. if there tall and have pimples they are in between 12-16 so just look at them and guess how old they r. if u cant .... JUST ASK THEM!!! LOL
The trick is the person doing the trick noes your age ...bet you dint think off that
There is no age limit, but I think you have to be 18 or older to go on a plane by yourself, or whatever age your country considers an adult, I guess.
Since you're giving 7 yes/no answers, the app can pick different combinations of the numbers to identify up to 2^7 = 128 different possible choices. That's more than enough to guess your age. Basically, the numbers are presented in an order so that only one age will come out at the end. It looks at the digits of your age in binary, one at a time. So the first question will ask about 1, 3, 5... all numbers with a 1 in the last binary digit. The next will ask about 2,3,6,7, .... all numbers with a 1 in the next to last binary digit. Etc., until it knows the whole number.
John is 18. Set up an equation: J-5=(J+8)/2 Or use guess and check...
a crude guess is just a mere guess while the intelligent guess is likely to happen due to your experience
somebodys birthday fiest time on earth day
You find somebodys password on google.com all you do is say "somebodys password or email" or you go on ask.com and ask! You find somebodys password on google.com all you do is say "somebodys password or email" or you go on ask.com and ask!
Yes, but the pit bull does have to be a certain age. Also, I believe that the mother's owner has to have a breeding license.
Give it back.
type the password
it means to be on somebodys side
Whats a dodog oh you forgot the space "Do dogs know when somebodys going to die?" well yea!
Use your eyes.
A human can`t. A vampire can.
it is made in fartville in somebodys bonbons
Somebodys dad who has the surname d'souza ;)
88 is the average age is my guess