You cannot. If you are told the standard deviation of a variable there is no way to tell whether that was derived from grouped or ungrouped data.
Standard deviation is how much a group deviates from the whole. In order to calculate standard deviation, you must know the mean.
It depends on WHAT the sd is the same as.
Standard deviation is a calculation. It I used in statistical analysis of a group of data to determine the deviation (the difference) between one datum point and the average of the group.For instance, on Stanford-Binet IQ tests, the average (or, mean) score is 100, and the standard deviation is 15. 65% of people will be within a standard deviation of the mean and score between 85 and 115 (100-15 and 100+15), while 95% of people will be within 2 standard deviations (30 points) of the mean -- between 70 and 130.
Within 1 stdev of the mean - between 40 and 60.
T score was originally given to a type of normalized score based on a group of unselected pre-adolescents. Notwithstanding, it has come to refer to any normally distributed standard scores that has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. L F C
Q: differentiate between group and ungroup data
Standard deviation is how much a group deviates from the whole. In order to calculate standard deviation, you must know the mean.
Q: differentiate between group and ungroup data
The standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance, so the variance is the same as the squared standard deviation.
i think ungroup data is more accurate because we count each value. while, in group data there is interval
It depends on WHAT the sd is the same as.
A standard deviation is a statistical measure of the variation there in a population or group. A standard deviation of 1 means that 68% of the members of the population are withing plus or minus the value of the standard deviation from the average. For example: assume the average height of men is 5 feet 9 inches, and the standard deviation is three inches. Then 68% of all men are between 5' 6" and 6' which is 5'9" plus or minus 3 inches. [Note: this is only to illustrate and is not intended to be a real/correct statistic of men's heights.]
To group objects in Keynote, simply select the objects you want to group by holding down the Shift key while clicking on each object, then right-click on one of the selected objects and choose "Group" from the dropdown menu. You can ungroup objects by right-clicking on the group and selecting "Ungroup."
Standard deviation is a calculation. It I used in statistical analysis of a group of data to determine the deviation (the difference) between one datum point and the average of the group.For instance, on Stanford-Binet IQ tests, the average (or, mean) score is 100, and the standard deviation is 15. 65% of people will be within a standard deviation of the mean and score between 85 and 115 (100-15 and 100+15), while 95% of people will be within 2 standard deviations (30 points) of the mean -- between 70 and 130.
Because the standard deviation is a measure of the spread in scores. As individuals score more similarly, the spread gets smaller. Because the standard deviation is a measure of the spread in scores. As individuals score more similarly, the spread gets smaller. Because the standard deviation is a measure of the spread in scores. As individuals score more similarly, the spread gets smaller. Because the standard deviation is a measure of the spread in scores. As individuals score more similarly, the spread gets smaller.
Deviation-based outlier detection does not use the statistical test or distance-based measures to identify exceptional objects. Instead, it identifies outliers by examining the main characteristics of objects in a group.
The standard error of the mean and sampling error are two similar but still very different things. In order to find some statistical information about a group that is extremely large, you are often only able to look into a small group called a sample. In order to gain some insight into the reliability of your sample, you have to look at its standard deviation. Standard deviation in general tells you spread out or variable your data is. If you have a low standard deviation, that means your data is very close together with little variability. The standard deviation of the mean is calculated by dividing the standard deviation of the sample by the square root of the number of things in the sample. What this essentially tells you is how certain are that your sample accurately describes the entire group. A low standard error of the mean implies a very high accuracy. While the standard error of the mean just gives a sense for how far you are away from a true value, the sampling error gives you the exact value of the error by subtracting the value calculated for the sample from the value for the entire group. However, since it is often hard to find a value for an entire large group, this exact calculation is often impossible, while the standard error of the mean can always be found.