Numbers can be checked to see if they are primes simply by factoring them. Every Prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. If there are more or less than 2 factors, the number is not a prime. 1 has only one factor so it is not a prime, and composite numbers have 3 or more factors.
They are 239 prime numbers less than 1500.
2, 3 and 5 are prime numbers that are less than 7
There are 1229 prime numbers that are less than 10000.
the greatest prime numbers that is less than 100 = 97
There are 25 prime numbers less than 100
The prime numbers that are less than 14 are: 2,3,5,7,11,13.
There are 35 prime numbers less than 150.
There are 48 prime numbers less than 220.
There are 27 prime numbers less than 102.
There are 15 prime numbers less than 50
They are 239 prime numbers less than 1500.
There are 25 prime numbers less than 100
2, 3 and 5 are prime numbers that are less than 7
There are 1229 prime numbers that are less than 10000.
the greatest prime numbers that is less than 100 = 97
There are no negative prime numbers.
There are 25 prime numbers less than 100