Nine and six hundred eighty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 9.688
It is 0.608
688 thousandths = 0.688
eight thousandths = 0.008 six thousandths = 0.006
Four hundred and ninety-eight point zero three six.
Nine and six hundred eighty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 9.688
It is 600.008
It is 0.608
It is 600.008
It is 0.608
688 thousandths = 0.688
eight thousandths = 0.008 six thousandths = 0.006
Four and six hundred twenty-eight thousandths.
It is 9.688
Six hundred-thousandths. Could be easily confused with 0.600: six hundred thousandths. (as in "six" "hundred-thousandths" vs "six hundred" "thousandths")