

Best Answer
  1. Declare the array
  2. use a for loop going from 0 to 4
  3. within that loop, ask a question, and store it in the array at the current index
  4. start another for loop going from 4 to zero
  5. in that loop output the questions.

For instance, if you're doing it in C, it would be something like this:


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

int answer[5], n;

for(n = 0; n < 5; n++){

printf("Gimme a number: ");

scanf("%i", &answer[n]);


for(n = 4; n >= 0; n--){

printf("%i\n", answer[n]);


return 0;


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Q: How do you input 5 numbers and out put the sum and print these numbers in the inverted order using array structure?
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