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This is my best shot. I've been trying to find this answer since I'm doing regressions right now.

Let's say you have a dummy variable "male" where 1 = male, 2 = female.

You regress:

toads_owned = c(1) + c(2)*male

You get the result:


Coefficient: 2

T-test: 3.1

toads_owned = c(1) + 2*male

So now, I think that means that if you are a male, you are likely to own 2 more toads on average than if you were a female.

The coefficient on a dummy variable simply says how different you are from the base group (the group that equals 0) if you equal 1.

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Q: How do you interpret coefficient of binary variable in linear regression?
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A binary digit, the smallest unit in a base-2 (binary) counting system, which we interpret as the digit 0 or 1. To the computer, a bit is simply the absence or presence of a sufficient charge within a capacitor. Every capacitor in memory is paired with a transistor which can fill or drain the capacitor in order to switch the state. We interpret the combined states of these capacitors as binary numbers which can be converted to decimal numbers. Thus any data that can be represented as decimal numbers can be stored and manipulated by a binary computer.