you can drop the remainder and you can use the remainder as your quotient or you can add one too the quoitient.
The fraction is the remainder divided by the original divisor.
75 ÷ 9 = 8 with remainder 3
Done the calculation (get the answer) and also show the remainder (don't round up or down).
Divide mutiply and add
dont no
you can drop the remainder and you can use the remainder as your quotient or you can add one too the quoitient.
The fraction is the remainder divided by the original divisor.
you dont lol just kidding
75 ÷ 9 = 8 with remainder 3
Done the calculation (get the answer) and also show the remainder (don't round up or down).
Divide mutiply and add
you can't turn a reminder in to a fraction
The answer depends on the divisor, which is not specified.
Yes the mean can have a remainder but the remainder would normally be either rounded or converted into a fraction.
When the remainder is zero the answer is a whole number. Put that number over 1 for an improper fraction.