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Q: How do you interpret the slope of the least square regression line?
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Is the slope of the Least Squares Regression Line very sensitive to outliers in the x direction with large residuals?

Yes, it is.

What negative correlation indicate?

the negative sign on correlation just means that the slope of the Least Squares Regression Line is negative.

What can you say about a slope a regression line for variables that are negatively associated?

The slope will be negative.The slope will be negative.The slope will be negative.The slope will be negative.

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How do you interpret the slope and y intercept in a real world case?

What is the slope b of the least squares regression line y equals a plus bx for these data?

The graph and accompanying table shown here display 12 observations of a pair of variables (x, y).The variables x and y are positively correlated, with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.97.What is the slope, b, of the least squares regression line, y = a + bx, for these data? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.2.04 - 2.05

The value 11.7 represents the of the graph of the following linear regression equation?


What is a regression line that is superimposed on a scatter plot?

It guarantees that the slope and intercept are minimized.

What is the line of regression?

line that measures the slope between dependent and independent variables

What is regression coefficient and correlation coefficient?

The strength of the linear relationship between the two variables in the regression equation is the correlation coefficient, r, and is always a value between -1 and 1, inclusive. The regression coefficient is the slope of the line of the regression equation.

What is Definition of linear regression and correlation in statistics?

Whenever you are given a series of data points, you make a linear regression by estimating a line that comes as close to running through the points as possible. To maximize the accuracy of this line, it is constructed as a Least Square Regression Line (LSRL for short). The regression is the difference between the actual y value of a data point and the y value predicted by your line, and the LSRL minimizes the sum of all the squares of your regression on the line. A Correlation is a number between -1 and 1 that indicates how well a straight line represents a series of points. A value greater than one means it shows a positive slope; a value less than one, a negative slope. The farther away the correlation is from 0, the less accurately a straight line describes the data.

What is the sign of slope of the regression line if the correlation coefficient is -0.15?

The sign is negative.

When doing linear regression if the correlation coefficient is positive the slope of the line is negative?
