Yes. Supposing the decimal terminates after n digits following the decimal point. Then consider the fraction whose numerator is the integer formed from the decimal by removing the decimal point. The denominator is 10n or 1 followed by n 0s. This fraction is equivalent to the terminating decimal.
It means give logical reasons for whatever you are trying to justify.
It isn't clear what you want to justify.
No. The question contains three negative numbers. There is nothing to justify!
To justify something in math is to prove it. Example: Justify 4x = 8 when x = 2. When x = 2, 4(2) = 8. Done. By doing this I justified that 4x = 8 when x = 2.
Yes. Supposing the decimal terminates after n digits following the decimal point. Then consider the fraction whose numerator is the integer formed from the decimal by removing the decimal point. The denominator is 10n or 1 followed by n 0s. This fraction is equivalent to the terminating decimal.
The past tense of 'justify' is 'justified'.
I can give you several sentences.He tried to think of an excuse to justify his bad behavior.Can you justify that action?"Justify me; open my mind to the things I can be." (from the Nate James song "Justify Me")suzan had to justify the amount of time she would give me for the test
Prefix for justify
justify the purpose of an expenditure
She tried to justify her actions by explaining the reasoning behind her decision.
The suffix of "justify" is "-ify."
Oh come on.In order to Justify a book you have to read over it to justify make sure you are right.Prove It
You justify your sexual orientation by the fact that you don't have a choice about it.
Laws are laws and we dont have to justify them.
Prefix and suffix for justify
do fish feel thirsty ?justify your answer .