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Contra Virus is the latest rogue (fake) antivirus (antispyware) software.

Run the anti spyware removal programs spybot and Superantispyware

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Q: How do you keep contra virus from constant pestering you?
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Nothing - it is your ex and at this point its seems as they are not interested in speaking with you. The best thing you can do is let things be or you will seem overbearing, needy and pushy if you keep pestering them.

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A Trojan virus is a virus you most likely got during a download, from visiting an unsafe site. Just like the "Trojan Horse" of legend, it enters your computer and steals information from it. Finding and removing computer viruses requires the use of an anti-virus program, which come with most modern computers, which requires constant updating to keep up with the many new viruses that are created almost on a daily basis.

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Keep your system up to date. Run regular virus scans and keep passwords on admin accounts.

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you keep your body constant by, keeping the levels of sugar levels and keeping your body warm and keeping it at the level

What does virus protection software do to get rid of computer virus?

well most of them scan your whole computer and then after it finds the virus it will quarantine the virus ( to keep the virrus from jumping) and simply delete it

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Unfortunately, as far as I know, there isn't really a way to stop this. The best way to help prevent this is to be very careful with your sax, but it's virtually impossible to keep those pestering little scratches off your lacquer.

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