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If the graph is a non-vertical straight line, then the rate of change is constant. If the line is curved, then the rate of change (slope) varies.

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Q: How do you know if a function has a constant or variable rate of change?
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How is solving for a specified variable in a formula similar to finding a solution for an equation or inequality?

With a formula, you know the variable's value, and you have to calculate the value of the function of it. With an equation, you know the function's value, and you have to calculate the value of the variable.

Why is it important to not change your variable in an experiment?

If you change more that one variable in an experiment, then when the result occurs, you won't know which variable caused the change.

How do you know whether a relation is a function?

Use the definition of a function. If, for any value of one variable, there is only a single possible value of the second variable, then the second variable is a function of the first variable. The second variable is often called the "dependent variable". If you can solve an equation explicitly for the dependent variable, then it is a function. If you can NOT solve it for a variable, it may or may not be a function - it turns out that some equations are hard or impossible to solve explicitly for one of the variables.

Why is only variable changed in an investigation?

You only change one variable in an investigation because if you change more than one you won't know which change affected the data.

What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependant variable?

In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that can be altered or controlled to produce a change. The result being studied is the dependent variable, which is observed to change as the independent variable is changed.Example : In an experiment testing the effect of caffeine on reaction times, the amount of caffeine consumed is the independent variable and can be varied. The reaction times are the dependent variable, and a correlation (change in times) with the independent (amount given) is the information being sought.There are three kinds of variables. These are:Independent variable: is not affected by any effects in the experimentDependent variable: its reaction does depend on other variablesControlled variable: variable that you can control throughout the entire experimentTo put it simply, the independent variable tries to manipulate the dependent variable in an experiment.The independent variable (manipulated variable) is a variable that is changed by the experimenter. The dependent variable (responding variable) is what you are trying to determine in an experiment. My 6th grade science teacher taught us a poemThe manipulated is what you control the responding variable is your ultimate goal.

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How do you use constant in a science sentence?

To use constant in a science question, first know that constant in science means a variable that does not change in an experiment. Variables are the different factors that can change in an experiment. For example, a sentence that includes the science word of constant could be: For this experiment, the constant would be... and then you write the constant.

What is The thing you change in an experiment?

The chemical composition and physical state of substances can change during an experiment.For example two reactants in solid or liquid form can react in an experiment to give a product in a gaseous form.

How is solving for a specified variable in a formula different to finding a solution for an equation or inequality?

With a formula, you know the variable's value, and you have to calculate the value of the function of it. With an equation, you know the function's value, and you have to calculate the value of the variable.

How is solving for a specified variable in a formula similar to finding a solution for an equation or inequality?

With a formula, you know the variable's value, and you have to calculate the value of the function of it. With an equation, you know the function's value, and you have to calculate the value of the variable.

Is the independent variable the volume of an object or the mass of an object?

The independent variable is the volume of an object. It is the variable that is manipulated or changed in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable. In this case, the dependent variable would likely be the mass of the object.

Why is it important to not change your variable in an experiment?

If you change more that one variable in an experiment, then when the result occurs, you won't know which variable caused the change.

How do you know whether a relation is a function?

Use the definition of a function. If, for any value of one variable, there is only a single possible value of the second variable, then the second variable is a function of the first variable. The second variable is often called the "dependent variable". If you can solve an equation explicitly for the dependent variable, then it is a function. If you can NOT solve it for a variable, it may or may not be a function - it turns out that some equations are hard or impossible to solve explicitly for one of the variables.

What are the twenty constants of the Universe?

Some constants of the Universe include the speed of light, gravitational constant, Planck's constant, and the fine structure constant. These constants govern the fundamental forces and properties of the Universe and are crucial in understanding how the Universe functions.

What is the difference between randomvariable and variable?

I guess this area can get a little confusing. Unfortunately many books on statistics do not provide a good explanation. In algebra, the concept of equations (relationships or functions) is introduced, such as y= (a)(x) with y and x variables, and a is a constant. So, a constant is assigned a particular value, and a variable's value is unknown until there is enough information in the equations. If I tell you that y = (a)(x), and a=1 and x=4, then you know what y is. So, the value of variables can change. The equation or function provides the way (link or map) from x to y. Now, the random variable must have a corresponding means to link outcomes to probability values. So, as you see in the link, a random variable is a function, or as many books define it, must have an associated function to link outcomes to probabilities.

A number that multiplies a variable is called?

A constant. * * * * * The expected answer is more likely to be "coefficient".

Why should an experiment be tested only one variable at a time?

if you change more than one variable, you will not know which one has had an effect on the experiment. If the outcome changes when one variable is altered, then the change can only be due to the one variable, by logical deduction.

What is the fundamental for finding derivatives of a function?

Not quite sure what you mean with "the fundamental"; I assume you want to know how to do it. You basically need to either memorize or look up the different formulae for finding derivatives - such as the formula for a power (variable in the base), for an exponential function (variable in the exponent), for a sine, for a product, etc. - and apply them to a particular case.