It is divisible by 10, but not by 235.
It has a 0 at the end
If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.
Yes. With all multiples of 10, the last digit is always a zero. So, if a number ends with a zero, it is divisible by 10.
Every number divisible by 10 is divisible by 5.
It is divisible by 10, but not by 235.
If it ends in a zero, it's divisible by 10.
Because any whole number ending with a zero is divisible by 10.
It has a 0 at the end
If it ends in zero.
If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.If a number ends with 0, it is divisible by 10.
Yes. With all multiples of 10, the last digit is always a zero. So, if a number ends with a zero, it is divisible by 10.
Every number divisible by 10 is divisible by 5.
No, a number can only be divisible by a number smaller than it
No. 15, 25, 35, and 1675 are divisible by 5, but not by 10. However, every number divisible by 10 is also divisible by 5.
No. 4,355 is only divisible by these numbers: 1 5 13 65 67 335 871 and 4355.
No, 204 is not divisible by 10. A number is only divisible by 10 if it ends in a 0.