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Q: How do you know if the graph is a shrink or stretch?
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Does leather shrink?

if leather gets wet or damp it can shrink, but it can also stretch when its wet; wet the inside of the shoe and wear it, it will stretch out

What variable in a quadratic function causes the function to transform reflect or have a vertical stretch or shrink?

The wording is confusing, as a quadratic function is normally a function of one variable. If you mean the graph of y = f(x) where f is a quadratic function, then changes to the variable y will do some of those things. The transformation y --> -y will reflect the graph about the x-axis. The transformation y --> Ay (where A is real number) will cause the graph to stretch or shrink vertically. The transformation y --> y+A will translate it up or down.

Is a vertical stretch the same as a vertical shrink?

no they are different

Do scars stretch or shrink overtime?

only if you gain weight

Can you shrink leather gloves?

You can shrink leather by putting it in boiling water for about 10... leather gloves stretch a lot

Will a worded chest tattoo stretch?

Yes, a worded chest tattoo will stretch and shrink because the ink is usually on the skin.

What is image transformation in computer graphics?

The transformations I know of are flip, stretch, shrink, or crop. Flip will flip the picture vertically or horizontally as specified. Stretch will project the picture onto a larger grid of pixels. Shrink will project the picture onto a smaller grid of pixels. Crop trims any edges you want off the picture.

Can you shrink Calvin Klein Skinny jeans?

No. As a result of the stretch and the super- soft, light weight, denim fabric; not even a hot dryer will not shrink these babies.

What is the stretching film for packaging like wrapping film and what is the correct name for it?

Stretch film. or Shrink wrap.