You know when a fraction is equivalent to a whole number when both the numerator and denominator is the same. For example 2/2 is equivalent to the number two.
If you have a number like 12 and you multiply it by the same number: 12 and the answer you get is a whole number, then the whole number is the perfect square.
You don't know where to start until you remember that 16% is the same as 0.16 . Then you just multiply the number by 0.16, and that product is 16% of the number.
I dont know this question either i have the same one!
You cannot know that. If you are told the total number of points for the test, you know (or count) the number of questions and you are told that each question is worth the same number of points then, and only then, each question is worth (total points/number of questions) points.
You know you're in the matrix
It reads the same forwards and backwards, like 65456.
The number of protons.
If it can be read the same backwards and forwards.
i know :( i got the same question and its dead hard !! :'(
It's the same as the number of protons, which is the atomic number. It's the top number of the element box
You know when a fraction is equivalent to a whole number when both the numerator and denominator is the same. For example 2/2 is equivalent to the number two.
snake same source you know can i have your number
the number is 0
A square number is multiplied by two of the same numbers.
If you have a number like 12 and you multiply it by the same number: 12 and the answer you get is a whole number, then the whole number is the perfect square.