50 is just 1 above 49, which is 7 squared. We know that 50 is even, so it is not prime, and 49 certainly isn't. So if any number under 49 is not prime, it must be divisible by a Prime number less than 7, i.e. 2, 3, or 5. So any odd number less than 49 that is not divisible by 3 or 5 is prime. Furthermore, we know that the multiples of 5 end in 0 or 5, and the digits in a multiple of 3 add up to a multiple of 3. So just take all the odd numbers from 27 to 47 and throw away the ones that end in 5. Of the remaining numbers, the ones whose digits don't add up to a multiple of 3 (if the sum is more than 9, add its digits until you get a single digit and see if it is 3, 6, or 9) are prime.
The only prime number between 25 and 30 is 29.
To know what numbers are prime between 25-50, you'd have to figure out if any number besides 1 and that number itself can go into that number. Another key, is that all even numbers between 25 and 50 are NOT prime numbers. The only even number, that is prime is 2. So you'd have to go through all the odds between 25-50. For example: 27 is divisible by: 1,3,9, and 27 ~composite~ 29 is divisible by 1 and 29 ~prime~ Hope that helps!
The only prime n umber between 20 and 25 is 23.
It is: 13
The only prime number between 25 and 30 is 29.
To know what numbers are prime between 25-50, you'd have to figure out if any number besides 1 and that number itself can go into that number. Another key, is that all even numbers between 25 and 50 are NOT prime numbers. The only even number, that is prime is 2. So you'd have to go through all the odds between 25-50. For example: 27 is divisible by: 1,3,9, and 27 ~composite~ 29 is divisible by 1 and 29 ~prime~ Hope that helps!
The only prime n umber between 20 and 25 is 23.
It is: 29 and 31 is also a prime number
It is: 29
It is: 13
The prime number between 4 and 7 is 5. So 5 squared is 25.
Ah, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of prime numbers. Between 25 and 30, the prime number we find is 29. It stands tall and proud, surrounded by its fellow numbers, knowing its unique and special nature.
It is 19