First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).
Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions and fractions can be equivalent as for example 3/4 has the same value as 9/12
What you need to know about integers is that integers is the name for the group of numbers that include whole numbers and negative numbers. But integers DO NOT include fractions.
switch numbers and multiply you should know that
Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).
I honestly do not know.
All rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can't.
If the denominators (bottom numbers) are not equal, making equivalent fractions of them so that the denominators are equal. With the denominators equal if the numerators (top numbers) are equal, then the fractions are equal.
Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions and fractions can be equivalent as for example 3/4 has the same value as 9/12
What you need to know about integers is that integers is the name for the group of numbers that include whole numbers and negative numbers. But integers DO NOT include fractions.
switch numbers and multiply you should know that
Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
By dividing the numerator and denominator by their HCF
You change the mixed number into an inproper fraction.
All fractions are rational numbers.