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Q: How do you line up the red Y and the green O on the circles?
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How do you decode the paper on spy island?

Director D. gives you the decoder. Then the spy who gives you the clue for info, he will also give a clue for decoding it. Two letters in green and red. The decoder letters are also green and red. You line up the green letters with the red letters. Then, you type in the answer and when you press close, it will automatically save what the clue was. For example, If the clue for decoding is O (red) = Z (green) then you line up the red O to the green Z.

How do you unscramble the password for spy island on poptropica?

Line up the letters on the decoder so that the one in red matches the one in green as shown on the message. Now look at the other red letters to see what green letters they are matched up with.

How do you do the Green line in AQworlds?

If your username is Asker, type: /me like green line! It will show up in green as: Asker like green line!

How do you beat level 10 in werebox?

Box the red up, then make the blue ones circles! :)

What is the meaning of the red channel and the green channel?

If you are refering to nautical channels, these are pretty much universal (unlike road laws). The green 'channel' is usually a line of green bouys, markers or poles (with green lights for night) to show the deepest way up a channel or river for boat navigation. The red 'channel' is merely the opposite.

How do you use the decoder in spy island poptropica?

you use the decoder to depict spy messages. you line up both letters so that the red is lined up with the green text. the red text is the outer ring. then you look at the red text and look under it to match the green text. then you type it on the lower section of the note pad. that is how you use a decoder on spy island

What do mites look like?

clover mites look like small red circles and up close thay look like red Spiders.

How do you beat the paint sample test on counterfeit island?

Once you drop a sample into the liquid, the line will move across the testing bar and the squares will light up in one of the three colors. Press the proper colored beaker quickly for each square. Colors for each sample : 1. Green-Red-Blue-Red 2. Red-Green-Blue-Blue 3. Blue-Red-Blue-Green

Does green go with red?

No,red does not go with green only blue,pink,white is go with green

What chemicals do you mix on counterfet on poptropica?

none it goes 1.Green-Red-Blue-Red 2.Red-Green-Blue-Blue 3.Blue-Red-Blue-Green :) click the colored beaker when the box lights up

How do you use the beaker on steamworks island?

You need the Dirty beaker from the case inside the Museum. In the research labs to the right of the bridge, you will find the chemicals room most of the way to the top. Add accurate amounts of the 3 colored chemicals to the Dirty Beaker. Add 3 blue (up to 3rd line) 2 Green (up to 5th line) then 4 red (up to 9th, top line). This should create the herbicide you need.

What causes teeth to form a line of green on them?

Many people get this 'green line' because they only brush the upper part of their teeth. If they continue to do this for a month or so, they plauge will build up so much it will form a 'green line'.