Since there are three digits the fraction would be over one hundred making it 36/100. To make it in its lowest terms you would find a common divisor and divide both numbers by this number. So 36 divided by 4 is 9 and 100 divided by 4 is 25. Since those two numbers have no common divisors 9/25 would be the lowest terms.
0.76 = 19/25 as a fraction simplified
6.6 as a simplified fraction is 33/5
6.15 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form but that does not stop it being a fraction. And, as a decimal fraction, it cannot be simplified. Its rational equivalent is 615/100 which can be simplified to 123/20.
0.2 as a fraction simplified is 1/5.
12 and a half as a simplified fraction is 25/2
53/100 is as simplified as you can make that number.
0.05 as a fraction simplified is 1/20
0.76 = 19/25 as a fraction simplified
6.6 as a simplified fraction is 33/5
6.15 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form but that does not stop it being a fraction. And, as a decimal fraction, it cannot be simplified. Its rational equivalent is 615/100 which can be simplified to 123/20.
11/26 is the simplified fraction
It is: 0.54 = 54/100 = 27/50 simplified
0.875 as a simplified fraction is 7/8
0.644 as a simplified fraction = 644/1000 = 161/250
0.2 as a fraction simplified is 1/5.
12 and a half as a simplified fraction is 25/2
10/12 is 5/6 as a simplified fraction