To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.
21/4 = 5 and 1/4
It is 5 and 1/4.
21 over 20 as a mixed number = 11/20
The mixed number for 21 over 8 is 25/8
The mixed number for 21/4 is 5 1/4.
21.5 as a mixed number = 21 1/2
It is 5 and 1/4.
21 over 10 as a mixed number is 21/10
The mixed number of 21 over 9 is 21/3
21 over 20 as a mixed number = 11/20
The mixed number for 21 over 8 is 25/8
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 5.75 is equal to 5 3/4 or five and three quarters.
The mixed number is: 21 3/5
2.01 as a mixed number = 21/100
The mixed number for 21/4 is 5 1/4.
16.21 into mixed number = 16 21/100
21.5 as a mixed number = 21 1/2
21/5 written as a mixed number is 4 and 1/5