Hit yourself really hard in the head. When you wake up, two hours will have gone by.
125 miles / 6.25 hours = 20 mph.
It depends on how fast you are moving.
yes it is possible if you have a fast vehicle
It depends on how fast you go. If you go 60 miles an hour it would be 2.5-3 hours depending on route, stops, and traffic.
Depends on how fast you go. At 10 km per hour it is 190 hours.
3 hours flies by when I'm on here
not fast really really really fast
Keep yourself busy and occupied.
do not look at the clock
click x but you go really fast
Ocean sunfish can go fast as 3.2km(two miles) per hours. Its REALLY slow. Slow as snail. Its largest bony fish but really slow and poor diet.
I ran really fast today. Cars go really fast.
Press A twince really fast to fly and make the joystick in the upper corner go straight ahead really fast twice.
really fast!!!
A claymation.
Well, you can't literally make time go by really fast, but I think you mean that you want to try and make time fly. Many people say that if you're having fun, time flies. Try to do your hobbies the whole day.
You just have to have fast fingers to flick the stick really fast