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Q: How do you make 2 lines in a triangle and make 2 triangles and 1 pentagon?
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How do you make a pentagon using a triangle?

There are 3 triangles in a pentagon

What shapes can you make out of three triangles?

You can make any triangle, quadrilateral or pentagon with three suitable triangles.

How do you divide a triangle to make 2 triangles and 1 pentagon?

By cutting off two of its corners which will leave you with 2 triangles and 1 pentagon.

How do you make 5 triangles from a pentagon with 2 lines?

you can't

What shape does 6 triangles make?

pentagon i think?

What shape does 2 large triangles plus 2 small triangles make?

The answer depends on the shapes and sizes of the triangles. I can make a big triangle, a quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, etc up to 12 sides.

How do you make 5 triangles on a pentagon with 2 lines?

Select any vertex and draw 2 lines to the two opposite vertices.

How can you make 3 lines in a triangle and make 6 triangles?

Draw a line from the midpoint of each side of the triangle to opposite corner. All three lines should intersect at the center of the original triangle and six smaller triangles will be formed. There are likely other solutions, but this is the easiest one.

What 3 shapes make a pentagon?

There are 3 triangles in a pentagon.

How do you use a medium triangle and 2 small triangle to make a shape that has 2 lines of symmetry?

Simply assemble the triangles in to a rectangle.

How can you make three equilateral triangles using six lines?

draw a big triangle then make a line halfway through it

How do you make a pentagon with 3 triangles?

yes because you can draw a pentagon and devide it