306% = 153/50
3.06 = 306/100 or 153/50 in improper fraction
306 over 56 in lowest terms is 153 over 28.
306 153,2 51,3,2 17,3,3,2
Ans: 70 That is 306 + 70 =376
Multiply it by a number which makes it into a whole number but also divide it by that same number, then simplify. Example: I pick 100, so 3.06*100/100 = 306/100. Now we can simplify 306/100 to 153/50, which is its most reduced form, so 3.06 = 153/50.
There are infinitely many pairs but probably the simplest to work out, and remember, is 1 * 306
Ok not sure on what HP your 306 would make. My Ford 302 Bored .30 over (306) is making 397 WHP with 7.5 lbs of Boost from a Procharger. Mustang 5.0 V8 302 1989.