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Q: How do you make 7 2 2 2 equal 24?
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(7 - 2 + 3)*3 = 8*3 = 24

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2/2=1 1+7=8 8*3=24

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24-10/2= 7

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Well if you dont use the 2 you'll get the answer of 24 by adding 9+7+8

Can you make 24 using 7 7 2 and 9?

7 +7+9-2=24

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It is: (8-2)*(7-3) = 24

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How about: 4 times (7-8/8) = 24

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(7 + 1) × 6 ÷ 2 = 24.

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(7 + 2) × 8 ÷ 3 = 24

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(7 + 9)*3/2 = 24

How do you make 24 with 7 4 5 2?

(7 + 5)*(4/2) = 12*2 = 24