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You cannot have a 2 piece tangram. A tangram, by definition, is 7 pieces.

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Q: How do you make a 2 piece tangram rectangle?
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If the small triangles are worth 1, determine the value of the other Tangram pieces.Be sure to explain your reasoning.More Challenging Version:Find the fractional part each tangram piece is of the whole (all 7 pieces).Now, suppose the large triangles are worth 1/2, determine the value of the other Tangram pieces.Be sure to explain your reasoning.

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a rectangle (think of a piece of paper)

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Does a square and 2 triangles make a rectangle?

yes it does

When you put 2 triangles together what do they make?

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What number of tiles will make a rectangle 2 tiles wide?

To make a rectangle 2 tiles wide, you will need at least 2 tiles. However, to form a complete rectangle, you will also need additional tiles for the length of the rectangle. The number of tiles required will depend on the desired length of the rectangle. For example, if you want a rectangle that is 2 tiles wide and 4 tiles long, you will need a total of 8 tiles.