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You cannot have a 2 piece tangram. A tangram, by definition, is 7 pieces.

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Q: How do you make a 2 piece tangram rectangle?
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How do you make a 5 piece tangram square?

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What is the fraction value of a medium triangle in a square?

If the small triangles are worth 1, determine the value of the other Tangram pieces.Be sure to explain your reasoning.More Challenging Version:Find the fractional part each tangram piece is of the whole (all 7 pieces).Now, suppose the large triangles are worth 1/2, determine the value of the other Tangram pieces.Be sure to explain your reasoning.

What is a shape with 2 lines of symmetry?

a rectangle (think of a piece of paper)

What are the shapes that make up the tangram?

2 small triangles 1 med. triangle 2 large triangles 1 parallelogram and a square

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How do you make a 6 piece square tangram?

To make a 6 piece square tangram, you start with a square and cut it into five smaller pieces. The cuts should be made in a specific way to create a large triangle, a medium triangle, two small triangles, a square, and a parallelogram. These pieces can then be rearranged to form a larger square. The key is to ensure that all the pieces fit together perfectly to recreate the original square shape.

What do 2 squares make?

A rectangle.

What can you make out of 2 triangles and 2 rectangle?

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Can 2 triangles and a square make a rectangle?


Does a square and 2 triangles make a rectangle?

yes it does

When you put 2 triangles together what do they make?

a rectangle