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Q: How do you make a concentric circle in gw basic language?
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How does billy stockman create his art work?

Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri creates his artwork using stone pigments mixed with emu or kangaroo fat to make dot or concentric circle pattens.

How do you make a circle in gw basic?

screen 1 cricle,(50)(40)2 end

What type of language is visual basic?

basic is a general purpose, high level programming language. and the same is with the visual basic. but the main difference is that, the earlier basic was the dos version language. whereas the visual basic programming language is the language which is not DOS based. but the simplicity in the language remains the same as in basic.

What is VB program?

Visual Basic is a powerful programming language used to make programs for use with Windows. VB can make from either the simplest, to the most advanced programs. Visual Basic is very easy to learn compared to other languages.

What language do I need to know to make softwares in Microsoft visual basic 2008 express edition and which internet sites can teach me it?

The language you need to know is called "visual Basic" (what a surprise!) and there is a tutorial actually on visual basic 2008 express edition

How do you say when in sign language?

point the index finger upwards; with the other index finger, make a circle at the tip of the first.

How do you say family in sign language?

Make a circle with your index and thumb, or in other words make an F, and meet the two at the fingertips. Bring them around in a circle, away from each other, until the other sides of your hands meet.

How do you say jelly beans in sign language?

you make a circle with your pointer finger and thumb, then put the circle over you eye.

What were the defenses of concentric castles?

The defences of a concentric castle were round towers - It was harder for attackers to make round towers collapse. Unlike square towers they had no corners, which collapsed if holes were dug underneath the foundations.

Why did Bill Gates develop Visual Basic language?

He was a BASIC programmer, and he knew that, in order to make Windows successful, it should be easy to develop for... so... well, that's pretty all.

By which programming langause a Trojan is made?

You can make a trojan in any language. Most commonly used is Visual basic, C# and C++

What materials were used to make castles?

Usually from stone, but early motte and baily forts were made of wood. Some fortresses in Eastern Europe were made of brick, since stone is scarce there.