You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
6 is a whole number. you can't make a whole number into fraction
You can't it's not a whole number!
10% = 1/10
You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
6 is a whole number. you can't make a whole number into fraction
You can't it's not a whole number!
3.5 is a rational fraction and there is no sensible way to make it into a whole number.
Speak it out loud. 0.3 = Three tenths = 3/10
to make a whole number into a fraction all you have to do is make it whatever the whole number is over one ex: 2 is your whole number, to make it a fraction simply put it over one. when you say it, you can say 2 over 1, 2 firsts, or 2 divided by 1. 2 divided by one does equal 2, your starting whole number.
Since 610 is a whole number, adding any other whole number will also result in a whole number.