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Q: How do you make a good circle without protractor?
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How do you make an angle without a protractor?

You don't always need a protractor to make an angle, just use a normal ruler.

How can you make a segment bisector without a compass?

Use a protractor

How do you graph in a pie chart?

Do % times 360o and then use a protractor to make an angle that many degrees in a circle

How do you make a circle with fabric?

Hard to beat a protractor; but the correct diameter glass, jar, or can may also work.

What is the common shape of protractor?

A Protractor is a tool used to make circles.

How do you make a pie chart without using excel?

Use a calculator, protractor and ruler, along with colour pencils or similar.

How do you make 40 degree angle?

With a protractor

How do you make a 213 angle?

use your protractor

How do you make 80 degree angle?

With a protractor.

What is the easy way of doing percentages in pie charts?

The only help i can give you is to use a protractor. Make a line from the top of the circle to the middle. (radius) Then line the protractor up with the line and make other radius's on the degree (percent)'s that you need. If This answer is too confusing, ask the question in different wording to help me or other people better understtand what yuour asking.

How do you make a clinometer?

To make a simple clinometer, you can use a protractor, string, and a weight (like a washer). Tie a piece of string to the top of the protractor and attach the weight to the other end. Ensure the protractor is flat, then hold the string so it hangs straight down. Use the protractor to measure the angle between the string and the ground, which can be used to measure the angle of elevation or depression of an object.

How do you make an angle of 85 degree?

With a protractor and a straight edge.