# Cut the bottles in half. # Put an inch to inch and a half of gravel. # Dump 1 inch of dirt on top of the gravel. # Place 1.5 inches of garbage on top. # Use another inch of dirt. Water both bottles to get the dirt settled, then every other day water one bottle but never water the other bottle.
By ensuring your model is as good as it can be. Make sure that any assumptions that you make for your model are justified and, if necessary, properly reflected in the model.
A working model can be made using many different materials. An idea for a project would be using cardboard to make a model of Pythagoras Theorem.
Decomposition of each diaper does not depend on the presence of other diapers therefore it will be 2000 years from the day you put the diaper(s) in the landfill before they start to decompose. Therefore, the answer is 2000 years.
by eating everyone
Landfill is made by a lot of trash in a certain place.
They make a new landfill and start to put the rubbish there.
A landfill photo is available in the links. If you key "landfill" in to Google and click images, you will be rewarded with a page of landfill photographs. The KKK is a landfill that takes only poor white trash.
Sanitary Landfill
Landfill in French is "décharge."
The Sky Is a Landfill was created in 1998.
stuff that goes in a landfill.
Landfills are often funded through a combination of methods. They are usually supported first by use taxes. Use taxes are simply paying for direct use of the service. People and businesses who take refuse to the landfill will pay for the benefit of dumping in the landfill. in addition, homeowners are often times charged a landfill or trash collection fee for the services of picking up trash and the trash being taken to the landfill. These use taxes often times will not fully fund the cost of building and operating the landfill so the local government that operates the landfill will make up any difference from taxes in their general fund.
It means that a landfill, is nolonger filled with trash!
A sanitary landfill
alot of trash end up into the landfill.......