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Q: How do you make a project on maths in daily life?
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How can you make maths working or non working model which shows the use of maths in daily life?

You can make working or non working models that show the use of math in every day life easily. Simply do something with counting money.

What should you make in maths working project?


Make a maths project for CLASS 9th?

You can make a project based on pythagoras theorem.Use icecream sticks

What project should you make for maths in nature?

Look up the Golden Ratio

Topics for class 10 maths project?

There are many possible topics for call 10 math's project. The first step is to figure out what area of math to make the topic.

A maths project for your maths fair?

well... a really creative n fun project you can do is to make an icosihenagon... the site is in the related link below... try it out! its not that complicated i guess... i mean it is hard to make but not that hard... use your full concentration.hav fun! :)

What shall you make for class 10 maths project file?

to make your project file better paste the pictures of mathematician and write facts on vedic mathematics

Maths best Project of class 6?

Use tooth picks to make the ifle tower

Maths projects for class tenth?

we do make project for all subjects all classes at nominal prices.

How do you make a project on maths for class 6?

Sorry, we can't answer that - it would be best to ask your teacher for advice.

How does a calculator help make life easier?

It tells you the awnsers to maths questions.

How do you prepare front page of maths project?

That depends very much what the project is and whom it is for. Colelge? Middles School? In general, it should be clean, simple, and tell the reader what the project will be all about. If you can make it so it draws the reader in also, that is great!