Improper fractions are those for which the numerator (top number) is larger than the denominator (bottom number). When they are changed to proper fractions, they are actually mixed numbers (a whole number and a fraction). In order to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number and the denominator, then add the numerator. Then, put you answer over the denominator of the fraction. For example:
5 3/8
5 times 8 equals 40, 40 plus 3 is 43. 43 becomes the numerator and 8 is still the denominator.
5 3/8 equals 43/8.
4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
Improper Fraction.
You can't. Improper and proper fractions are two different things. You can convert an improper fraction to a mixed number.
1/35 is a proper fraction. Proper fractions can't be improper.
4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
Improper Fraction.
You can't. Improper and proper fractions are two different things. You can convert an improper fraction to a mixed number.
You don't. An improper fraction is greater than or equal to one. A proper fraction is less than one. Therefore, you can't just convert one into the other.
1/35 is a proper fraction. Proper fractions can't be improper.
No it can not.
An inverted improper fraction is named a 'proper fraction'. e.g. 3/2 is Improper Fraction (Some times and incorrectly it is called a 'top heavy' fraction. Inverting 2/3 is a proper fraction.
32323 is an integer and not a fraction: proper or improper.
Some similarities of proper fraction and improper fraction are that they are both fractions.
Proper fractions are less than 1. Improper fractions are greater than 1. For a proper fraction to become an improper fraction, you would have to add a quantity that would make it greater than 1.