take a video of you throwing a fake poke-ball that you buy or you can make one out of a tennis ball. upload it on your computer and get a special affects download? then make the animal look like its getting sucked into it, then play it on your computer and it should be good.
Mathematics Statistics help people in real life for example, in helping make decisions on medical issues or for another example, activities where the weather may be a factor.
Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.
I am sorry to say that Hobbits do not exist in the real world. So Hobbits cannot be mean in real life since they are not in real life.
No she nice in real life.
Well, without knowing what the two solid figures are and what the real life figure is, you cannot solve it as far as I know. That's all I've got.
Of course we will make 1 when its like after 500 years!Because a pokeball is just a capsule shaped like a ball.
It is impossible to make a PokeBall that works in real life.In the Pokemon Anime series on television, the PokeBall is shown to grow to two or three times its original size by pressing the center white button. A solid object cannot just grow like it does in the anime series.Furthermore, the PokeBall would not be able to emit a red light of sorts to break down the molecules of a person to fit inside the PokeBall.It just will not ever work.
yes you can shopping pokeballs in belgium and pokemon's are real
Rewrite the laws of physics. Good luck.
I wish..
OK to make one simply buy a fake one from toysrus. Then take a vritual chip from your computer or tamagotchi and sick it on a metal chip. Get the metal chip and glue it to the pokeball. now you need an image for the virtual chip to respond. So take the bulb and glass of an lcd projector and put the on the chip and the bulb above it. then throw in a picture or figure of a Pokemon. So lets say i put Rayquaza picture right in front of the glass but he has to bbe facing it. Also glue the picture onto the pokeball facing the glass.Now when you hit the pokeball it will open like normally. but it will also give you a picture of rayquaza on your wall or whereever you throw it. you can make it move by downloading a virtual editor allowing the picture to move. That's what it takes to make a Pokemon come to your wall as a photo and make it move. look it uo on youtube. moving real life Pokemon. THATS ALL. YOUR WELCOME.
hey this is leon here with a answer well ether go to best buy or target
no such thing
You could try paper mache.
First you Must LOVE Pokemon and you have to Believe in yourself Secondly you can not use Pokemon to beat up your enemies
Pokeballs are not real. They are ficticious tools used by people in the Pokemon franchise such as the games and TV series. You can get a model or toy of a Pokeball on Amazon or EBay.
its not a real ball. i put pokeball cheats on my Pokemon platinum to get every pokeball and that wasnt one of them.